Contact Us


All messages are answered within 24 hours.

Complaints / Concerns

If you would like to make a complaint or if there are features you would like to see integrated into the site, contact our company complaints department via email at:

After the decision regarding the complaint has been made, the user may appeal the decision within the next 24 hours.

Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we will allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.

Review Procedures

All complaints will be reviewed and resolved within 7 days of receipt by administrative staff.

Appeals: If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending an email

FootNight Content Providers:

FootNight Providers Agreement:

Any prohibited activity, illegal or otherwise violated standards, shall not be used in any manner on the site.

Written consent will be obtained by influencer, and kept on record of all persons depicted in the content provided

Consent to allow for public distribution of the content and to upload the content

If the content will be made available for uploading by others users, consent to have content uploaded

Verify the identity and age of all persons depicted in content to ensure that all persons depicted are adults (18+) and be able to provide supporting documents upon request